
What's this guide all about?

This guide is designed to be used as an introduction and interactive learning tool to learn the Petfinder API (Application Programming Interface).

If you are unsure of what an API is, I recommend reading this brilliant article on the matter. It’s quite long and split up into multiple parts, but it does a good job of explaining just what an API is and how they can be used. So, if you are unsure, go ahead and skim through it.

I’ll wait, I promise.

A Couple of Important Things...

This guide is written assuming you have at least a rudimentary working knowledge of HTML, JavaScript, and some jQuery. If you do, awesome, we can get started right away! If not, or if you are in need of a bit of a refresher, there are several free online resources to help out.

I recommend checking out the w3schools.com tutorials:

Going through / skimming those guides should be enough to bring you up to speed or refresh your knowledge.

What's next?

If you're feeling good about your knowledge of the above topics and are itching to get started, click below to move to the next section.