
The Basics

This method will provide you with a list of all breeds for a given animal type.

Additional Parameters

Animal - a string representing the type of animal we want the breed list of. See the breed.list entry in the official API docs for all available animal types.


Below is a simple form using the method.

	function runQuery(){
		var selection = $("#mySelector");
		var animalType = selection[0].options[selection[0].selectedIndex].value;

		var baseURL = "";
		var reqType = "breed.list?";
		var params = "animal=" + animalType +"&";
		var yourKey = "key=123456789&";
		var format = "format=json";
		var callback = "&callback=?";
		var dataSpot = $("#result");
		var fullURL = baseURL+reqType+params+yourKey+format+callback;
				dataType: "jsonp",
				url: fullURL,
					var breeds = data.petfinder.breeds.breed;
					dataSpot.html('<ul id="animalName"><h4>' + animalType + '</h4></ul>');
					$.each(breeds, function(value){
						var li = $('<li/>')


The example form
Animal Type:
Results displayed in list format:

Nothing here yet. Submit request on 'Form' tab.